Clinical Engineers’ role under the Stakeholders Perspective
- Fabiola Martínez-Licona
- FranciscoAceves
- Herberth Bravo
- Elliot Vernet
Objectives: Evaluate the role of the clinical engineers in the medical technology assessment process from the point of view of some stakeholders.
Methods: Several meetings with biomedical and clinical engineers (CE), academic researchers, economists, architects, public policy advisors, medical devices businessmen, regulatory affair experts and clinic staff were carried out in the last years. It was discussed the role of the CE in the medical devices assessment processes.
Results and Lessons learnt: Most of the stakeholders recognize the CE’s role as important, but are unsure of the scope of their functions. Dissemination of the CE strategic role remains a priority.
Referencia: Martínez F., Aceves F., Bravo H. Vernet E . (2018). Clinical Engineers’ role under the Stakeholders Perspective. 4th Global Forum on Medical Devices, Visakhapatnam, India.
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